The Blog

People Based Learning
Jane Shore Jane Shore

People Based Learning

People Based Learning engages individuals actively in meaningful connections with others for the purpose of inclusive, durable, emotionally threaded learning.

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We Need Ecosystems, Not Egosystems
Jane Shore Jane Shore

We Need Ecosystems, Not Egosystems

Though we are conditioned to believe that creativity is individually sourced, there is a less discussed creativity that needs amplifying - that which comes from groups of people encouraging each other; challenging and arguing with each other; reacting for or against each others’ work.

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An ROI Measurement Audit for Life
Jane Shore Jane Shore

An ROI Measurement Audit for Life

ROI in business means Return on Investment. Here are six prompt to contribute an expanded version of ROI - Ripples of Impact. How can we aim for both?

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Hello, Stranger
Jane Shore Jane Shore

Hello, Stranger

Talking to strangers reduces bias, unlocks cultural understandings, and solves problems. Strangers hold answers to all kinds of questions. We need go out of our way to talk to more of them, and to teach young people to do so as well.

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