An ROI Measurement Audit for Life

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Mother Teresa

In the realm of education, where the ultimate goal is to shape the future through knowledge and learning, the traditional approach to measuring success often falls short. We’ve talked about it here, here and here. And there is more to say.

In a recent School of Thought post on the REBELution, the suggestion was that instead of solely focusing on academic outcomes, we need to invest in a paradigm in which Return on Investment (ROI) in schools is expanded to include "Ripples of Impact."

Ripples of Impact take many forms. Art by Jane

Pause to consider the transformation that happens to humans through the experience of school. There are profound, lasting effects that educational decisions DO have that are not measured, and CAN have if we are intentional.

The Big Idea

We need to operationalize a framework for measurement that includes Ripples of Impact. Traditional ROI in education often overlooks ways school could change the world. By reimagining ROI as Ripples of Impact in schools, we embark on a transformative journey that transcends conventional measures of success.

In a Ripples of Impact framework, the success of schools is not solely gauged by exam results, grades and college acceptances. Instead, the emphasis broadens, opening space and support for well-rounded individuals who are not only academically proficient but also kind, socially aware, globally conscious, emotionally intelligent, and equipped with essential life skills.

The true value of education lies in the enduring ripples it creates—

  • empowered, self-aware individuals,

  • thriving, healthy, equitable communities, and

  • a world shaped by the positive impact of knowledge, skills, and dispositions.

ROI can still be seen as Return on Investment. Adding a Ripples of Impact framework further humanizes school, work and life. It makes the world better.

Making Big Ideas Usable

I’ve started a list of ways these ripples might begin, ways we need to count and report, showcase and celebrate, to fully embody this other form of ROI.

Click here to read further.

What is missing? What would you add? Take away? Consider? I would love to hear from you.

Jane Shore

I am the Founder and a Co-Creator at the School of Thought, which brings schools and sectors together to engage in listening, learning and leading projects for action. I have also co-founded a school in Philadelphia, Revolution School, and was a Research Scientist at the Educational Testing Service, where I got to lead human-centric research in literacy, language and workforce. With degrees in bilingual special education and curricular and instructional design, and 20+ years working at the intersection of education, relationships and creative applied research, I love nothing more than need-finding and tinkering towards solutions with others. I live in Philadelphia with my husband, who also loves tinkering, our two boys, and our chill cats.

We Need Ecosystems, Not Egosystems


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