Our job is not to prepare kids for "something". Our job is to help students prepare themselves for "anything".
A.J. Juliani, author, educator, innovator
The School of Thought Youth Voices Initiative
Listening Circles
Students working with the Center for Public Purpose at William Penn Charter School have been engaging in listening circles as a part of their Independent Study projects. They have been leading and recording the listening circles, on topics ranging from voting to food justice. Students will be working with School of Thought and Cortico to engage in Sensemaking in the Summer af 2024 to identify themes in the conversations. From there, narratives will be shared internally at their school.
Hopes and Dreams
Youth at the String Theory School for the Creative and Performing Arts have been recording conversations about their hopes and dreams for the future of their school. Fourteen conversations have been reorded. This summer, they will be working with School of Thought and using Coritco to aid in capturing themes and stories in the conversations.
Justice and peace
Students at the Revolution School spend much of their time connecting learning inside the schoot to work happening in the world outside the doors. For thei Conversation Projects, they have been meeting with various institutions that make up the criminal justice system in Philadelphia - from public defenders to police officers. They have recorded the conversations and analyzed the transcripts produced by Cortico to make sense of all if the perspectives. This summer, they will be facilitating and making sensa of their own conversations.