Crossing schools and sectors for collective learning and action.

Rehumanizing listening, learning and leading.

Schools and sectors are working in fractured and disconnected ways. It’s the public or the private, the charter or the microschool. With organizations, we’ll hear non profit or for profit, but usually not in the same story.

This segmentation reduces our understanding, empathy and opportunities.

School of Thought is shifting this narrative.

School of Thought convenes a diverse, cross-school and cross-sector learning community to learn about and apply innovation and capture collective outcomes. Through various platforms such as our blog, our podcast, gatherings, and projects, we aim to make groundbreaking ideas, essential tools, and valuable resources usable for all, promoting equity in the process. 


We actively seek and curate what works and what truly matters within our community. Our “Activate” approach involves amplifying emerging research and new knowledge and making and available to our members in the form of tools, programs and services.

We convene to learn together, amplifying innovation and offering it to schools and sectors.

Topics include machine learning, human-centered design and meaningful measurement. Our cross-school, cross-sector gatherings bring youth and professionals from various fields together to listen, learn and lead.


Connection to ideas and people is what matters. Our "build" strategy involves both building bonds and building a spectrum of solutions as co-creators and advocates for each others’ work.

We build connections across schools and sectors, connecting on our blog as well as our gatherings.

We use new mission aligned tools, knowledge and tools to drive our community's progress. In the process, we build connections and community across silos.


Being part of a community is active, not passive. Our "commit" strategy means that our members commit to action with new learning.

Research finds that people who are simply given more information are unlikely to change their beliefs or behaviors. Instead, we need human to human connections with concrete calls to action that encourage people to use what they’ve learned to act. This is where School of Thought comes in.

We commit to and support the execution of projects and pilots to turn learning into action.

Individuals and groups are supported by the collective and by School of Thought to take new tools, resources and ideas into their settings to engage in action. Ideas for use come from, and work for, individual, school or organization members. Experiences and outcomes are not prescribed, and are continuously iterated upon, renewed and shared. The collective provides feedback, insight and amplification. We celebrate progress.

For more, check out  this blog post.

Revolutionary community builder, Grace Lee Boggs, reminds us,

“Movements are born of critical connections rather than critical mass.”

a special thank to our co-creators.

“Radical ideas spread through conversation, questions, one to one interactions that lead to action.”

— Adrienne Maree Brown, Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds

“The School of Thought community opened me to seemingly endless doors of connection, many of which have born into long-standing partners in my journey within education innovation and leadership today!”

— Shadman Uddin, School of Thought co-creator, Crimson Education


Feel free to contact us with any questions.

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